The Team!

The Team!
Collin Miller, Dr. Lamarr Widmer, Dr. Ray Norman, Sarah Finney, Nate Kamban, Dena Steiner

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And a good time was had by all...

A whole lot of prayers preceded the early morning meeting with the PROPHETE center. Nate and Dena met with the director and professor of the PROPHETE center seeking permission for her research project. An hour and a half later, with much grinding and gnashing of teeth, permission was granted and research began. Their strict policies were relaxed for her project. The Physical Therapist who took on the project was trained by 1:30, leaving the team time to check in early for the flight that evening. We made it out just in time to return for Nate’s skype appointment at 2:30 back at the base. Dena left to continue to discuss research protocol with the physical therapist for the rest of the afternoon while the team packed and relaxed. Eating our last dinner in Mali was a joyous occasion: mostly because Dena was so thrilled with the fact that the research proposal worked out, Collin and Nate were excited to return to their loved ones, and Sarah was ready to sleep in her own bed. Everyone had a very positive outlook. The flight went well from Mali to Paris, and the team safely joined the Burkina Faso team in the airport to relax before the last long haul.

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